
Copy binaries runtime data surrounding

Toolchain for automatic Program archiving including the context by analysing the runtime behaviour. The program can later run on a Linux Live-CD.

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Ever wrote a program you wanted to give your Not-a-Linux-User friend?
Or got some 3rd party program compiled after spending hours for searching and installing headers, libs and other things and want to prevent this for the future?
Or being in the middle of a development and want to save the current runnable state for a later demonstration?
Or you depend on a program were you wonder if it still runs after the next distro upgrade?
Or just wondered which files (or DEB packages) are really necessary to run a program?

Then you may try out this toolchain.
As first step it helps to gather the names of all files (binaries, libs, configs, user files) needed by a program.
In the second step, all files are copied together in an single encrypted, compressed, self-extracting file. This file can then be burned on a CD or put on an USB drive. As the program is encrypted, the risk that your proprietary files get in the wrong hand by loosing the CD or USB drive is minimized.
At third, the content of the archive can be copied into a running system like a Live-CD or Virtual Machine. If the target system has already files with the same name, a binary comparison is made and a warning is given if a mismatch is detected for helping to resolve possible problems. No existing files will be replaced by default. The archived program is now ready to run. Note that it is recommend that the target system uses the same distribution and version as the system which is used for capturing.

Programs known to work:

Firefox, Java programs running with OpenJDK, tuxkart

Programs currently known not to work:


Programs which can never be captured:

The user needs the right to attach a debugger to the program to capture it. This is not the case for programs which have the setuid bit set and the user who runs the program is not the owner. For example, the program ping has the owner root and the setuid bit set and can therefore only be traced by root.


...already implemented

...planned for implementation

...which may be implemented

... which would be nice, but no implementation is planned

External Tools and Libs

Files and program which are used by the toolchain.


On an Ubuntu 8.10 Live-CD it was necessary to install the packages
libc6-dev, libxml2-dev, freeglut3-dev
and its dependencies to be able to compile the toolchain.

Example Capturing

This shows the console output of a capturing run with the program supertuxkart

$ supertuxkart This is the interactive meta script for archiving an application Note: Set you EDITOR environment variable to get the text editor you prefer. Where do you want to store a directory for the captured archive? h) Within your home directory t) Within /temp (please note that other user may read here) otherwise the current directory is used (recommend) Please choose and press enter: You will find all files within 'tracetemp.Z20971'
[output of supertuxkart truncated]
cb_strace_to_xml[21172]: Welcome to 'cb_strace_to_xml'
cb_strace_to_xml[21172]: strace_preparation: Preprocessing strace data...
cb_strace_to_xml[21172]: main: Processing files...
cb_strace_to_xml[21172]: main: 1084 lines proceeded
cb_strace_to_xml[21172]: main: Writing xml...
cb_strace_to_xml[21172]: main: Done
cb_meta_check[21173]: Welcome to 'cb_meta_check'
cb_meta_check[21173]: fetch_meta: Getting system information...
cb_meta_check[21173]: xml_have_file: Creating a new output file
cb_meta_check[21173]: main: Done Do you want put all files which are provided by Debian packages into a blacklist and add the name of the packages, they are found in, as dependencies? y/N: No dependency analyzing wished Do you want to edit some blacklist or wildcards manually? y/N: No manual edit wished It is recommend to enter a short description about the application you are just archiving. This will be displayed on extraction already before you entered the decryption password. It is the best to limit your text to printable ASCII characters. Umlauts may work only if you use utf-8 encoding. Press enter to launch the editor. After writing your description, safe the file and close the editor. Please enter the file name of your archive. The '.sh' extension will be added automatically. If you just press enter, the name '' will be used

cb_files[21240]: Welcome to 'cb_files'
cb_files[21240]: main: Parsing xml input file(s)...
cb_files[21240]: copycontent: Copying files...
cb_files[21240]: update_device_xml: Writing used devices into xml file...
cb_files[21240]: xml_have_file: Creating a new output file
cb_meta_merge[21736]: Welcome to 'cb_meta_merge'
cb_meta_merge[21736]: main: Parsing and merging xml input file(s)...
cb_meta_merge[21736]: write_meta_xml: Writing results into file 'metainfomerged.xml'...
cb_meta_merge[21736]: xml_have_file: Creating a new output file Creating tar archive... Encrypting with GPG... Creating self extracting archive Done. '' is ready to use.


You used the toolchain?
Write me your opinion m DOT talk AT marwedels DOT de

Last changed: 23.12.2008